If you want to buy COD Modern Warfare 2 right away, you can do so by preordering the game for only $69 on Steam. However, if you plan to play the game on the Xbox One or PlayStation 4, you should know that you will have to shell out an additional $30 for a Cross-Gen Bundle. This means that the base game will be priced at $69, while the other editions will cost you $99 and come with exclusive content.
If you’re a PC gamer, you might be wondering how you can get this game for such a low price. The good news is that this is the first official price, and it’s the best deal you can get. Unlike many other video games, you can get a copy of Modern Warfare II for less than $69 if you preorder it today.
While that’s still a lot of money for a game, you’ll get a free download of the demo for a month. It will also be available on Xbox Live Arcade. You can also play the demo of the game on the official website.
You can also get access to the game’s open beta by preordering the Call of Duty Endowment bundle for $69 on Steam. This bundle includes early access to the game’s multiplayer beta, which will feature its multiplayer features, maps, and modes.
In addition to that, you can even play in competitive multiplayer modes with other players. However, the release date and specifics will be announced in the coming weeks.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II will release on October 28, 2022, for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, and PC via Steam.
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