A new season of Fortnite is here! Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2, also known as the 20th season of Fortnite allows us to have a closer look at the ongoing war between The Seven and the Imagined Order. This time, we’ll be looking in from the perspective of The Seven!
With Resistance being the main theme of the season, we’re bound to see The Seven fighting back against the Imagined Order and an island in chaos. Let’s have a look at the latest changes and updates to the game, as well as some tips on how to get through!
Battle Pass
As usual, for the hardcore fans of Fortnite, the battle pass is an important part of the game. This is especially true if you want to gain more rewards and cool items. The battle pass costs 950 V-Bucks, and for those who already have a Fortnite Crew subscription, it would be free.
This season’s battle pass will eventually lead you to unlock Doctor Strange, with six more characters along the way – Tsuki 2.0, Gunnar, The Imagined, Kiara K.O., The Origin, Erisa and The Prowler. Make sure to complete the quests given to you weekly in order to stand a chance to get these characters and more.
You’ll also have a chance to reprogram the Omni Sword Pickaxe by completing the Omni Sword Quests released each week for eight weeks. All the quests will still be available until the end of the season, so you don’t have to worry about missing out. Don’t miss out on the battle pass and make sure to get some Fortnite V-Bucks Gift Card from OffGamers here!
You can get this Spider-Man villain skin by completing his Prowler Quests. Completing three would unlock the Prowler Outfit while completing seven unlocks the Slash and Smash emote. These quests can be completed in any order and will be available until the season ends. Here are the quest and rewards:
- Do 500 damage to opponents while crouched or sliding: unlocks the Energy Claw Pickaxe.
- Search 7 chests before taking any damage in a match: unlocks the Sky Power Glider.
- Get 3 headshots on opponents with a thermal weapon: unlocks the Mark of the Prowler Wrap.
- Mod a vehicle and drive it 500 meters in a single match: unlocks the Prowler’s Grasp Emoticon.
- Use a spray at the Daily Bugle: unlocks the Prowler Tag Spray.
- Collect 3 different weapon types of Epic rarity and above in a single match: unlocks the Prowler Banner.
- Collect 300 bars: unlocks the On The Prowl Loading Screen.
New Mechanics
As usual, there are a couple of new mechanics added to the game to make things more exciting. We’ve got upgraded movements for sprinting, mantling and a new way to open doors – shoulder bashing.
In terms of vehicles, we’re granted repair torches to repair vehicles and a cow catcher modifier to be added to your vehicles. The cow catcher adds extra ramming power to your vehicles to get through blockades and make other people’s lives more miserable. Combine this with the Chonkers modifier and you’re indestructible.
Cow Catchers can be found in red toolboxes usually located in garages, gas stations, ships, IO structures and certain landmarks. There are usually two in one toolbox, with some ammo.
No Building!
Fellow gamers who have mentioned that they would enjoy Fortnite without the building aspect, rejoice! Fortnite has made the huge executive decision to temporarily throw out the building mechanics from its default gameplay. Do note that you can still build in competitive and arena modes, team rumble, creative islands and ‘Save The World’.
Now, you’ll have Overshield.
The Overshield is placed right above your Shield and Health, so it is your first line of defence against any attacks. Once your Overshield hits zero, your Shield and Health will start taking a hit. It is somewhat more useful than building, as it saves time. In a panic, you won’t have to think about building a safe wall or space anymore. Plus, your Overshield can be replenished!
New Weapons
For weapons, we see a return of 10 weapons from last season, the addition of two new ones for this season as well as an addition of 6 more from the vault. The list is as follows:
Weapons From Last Season:
- Ranger Assault Rifle
- Striker Pump Shotgun
- Auto Shotgun
- Sidearm Pistol
- Stinger SMG
- Hunter Bolt-Action Sniper
- Shadow Tracker (Exotic)
- Marksman Six Shooter (Exotic)
- The Dub (Exotic)
- Boom Sniper Rifle (Exotic)
Unvaulted Weapons:
- Thermal Scoped Assault Rifle
- Drum Shotgun
- Revolver
- Remote Explosives
- Thermal Scoped Revolver
- Storm Scout Sniper Rifle
- Shockwave Grenades
New Weapons:
- Combat SMG
- Striker Burst Rifle
Some of the Unvaulted Weapons were readjusted as well as follows:-
Thermal Scoped Assault Rifle
- Semi-auto, faster firing rate, reduced damage and better recoil.
Drum Shotgun
- Better fall off, increased damage, slower firing rate, tighter spread.
- Reduced damage, faster firing rate, higher accuracy.
Remote Explosives
- Increased damage against vehicles.
You’ve reached the end! That’s all the important details on the latest Fortnite updates that you should know, along with some minor tips on how to navigate certain updates and changes. Do let us know what you think of these changes!
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