Star Wars: The Bad Batch is an action-packed science-fiction show set between the prequel trilogy and the original trilogy. The series introduces new characters including Darth Maul and Michelle Ang, as well as a bounty hunter named Clones. As part of the expanded universe, these mercenaries are an essential part of the Star Wars mix. In season 2, the sisters will return to find the missing Omega.
Bad Batch Season 2 Expected Release Date
The Bad Batch season two will continue the adventures of the ragtag group of genetically engineered clones. The first season debuted on May 4, 2021, and the second season will arrive sometime in the spring of 2022.
The release window has not been confirmed by Disney, but fans can expect new episodes to arrive sometime between March and June 2022. The bad batch is the most popular Star Wars animated series, and is expected to return to Disney+ in 2022.
The Bad Batch season 2 premiere date has been tentatively slated for Spring 2022. It will follow the spring season, which made the first season so popular. The premiere date may be set between March and June, but Disney hasn’t confirmed a date.
However, it is likely that the new episodes will arrive between March and June, as the first season did. The Bad Batch will be back with a new episode in May 2022.
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