If you want to get the most out of Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, you’ll need cheat codes. Using these codes will allow you to unlock content in the game, including additional characters, ships, and weapons. You can enter the codes in the pause menu or in-game location. In addition to unlocking new characters, cheat codes can also give you bonus points or invincibility. Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is already out and if you are playing it then there’s no reason not to take advantage of this great feature.
All Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Cheat Codes
Below are all the 15 cheat codes available for Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga and what they unlock:
- 3FCPPVX – Tarkin
- ARVALA7 – The Razor Crest ship
- C3PHOHO – C-3PO (Holiday Special)
- GR2VBXF – Ratts Tyerell
- KH7P320 – Aayla Secura
- KORDOKU – Poe Dameron (Holiday Special)
- LIFEDAY – Gonk Droid (Holiday Special)
- OKV7TLR – Dengar
- SHUTTLE – Resistance I-TS Transport ship
- SIDIOUS – The Emperor
- SKYSAGA – Temmin Wexley (Snap Wexley)
- TIPYIPS – D-O (Holiday Special)
- WBFE4GO – Nute Gunray
- WOOKIEE – Chewbacca (Holiday Special)
- WROSHYR – Darth Vader (Holiday Special)
- XV4WND9 – Admiral Holdo
- Z55T8CQ – Poggle The Lesser
How to Enter Cheat Codes in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga offers a simple method of entering cheat codes. You can do so in two different ways, one, you can pause the game and head over to the Enter Code section, or you can open your Holoprorector and scroll over to the Enter Code section.
Once you have entered the code, you’ll see a list of the items that are available to use. You can use these codes to increase the number of studs you earn and to unlock fun modifiers for your vehicles and characters.
Inputting a cheat code in Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is easy, but you have to be able to find it. To enter a cheat code, you can either press the Enter Code button on the Galaxy Map, or you can use the “Battlefield” button in the menu to open the Cheat Code menu. Depending on your preferences, you can enable or disable the cheat codes as you see fit.
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