Genshin Impact: Lingju Pass Puzzle Solving Guide

Genshin Impact Puzzel

If you have trouble completing the Lingju Pass puzzle in Genshin Impact, this guide is for you! The puzzle is divided into two parts. The first part involves lighting four Geo-torches. The second part requires lighting five Geo-pillars and lighting three staircases. To solve this puzzle, you will need to collect Primogems and Mora. The Lingju Pass puzzle is a fairly difficult puzzle to complete, so it’s important to read our guide to help you beat the game.

The Lingju Pass puzzle can be difficult to complete without a guide, but you can do it by using our guide. Genshin Impact’s Lingju Pass is a beautiful area that combines ruins and water. Fortunately, there are many treasure chests to find! You can collect them all and unlock three fancy chests, but it is important to remember to solve them before you get too far.

How to Solve Lingju Pass Puzzle in Genshi Impact?

The Lingju Pass Geo Pillars puzzle is another elemental challenge in Genshin Impact. It is a multi-level geo-puzzle in which you must activate five different barriers to reach the treasure chests below. To complete this challenge, you must activate the corresponding Geo-pillars, and this requires a combination of Anemo and Geo characters. This puzzle can also be completed using the Anemo and Geo characters to unlock the treasure chest.

The Lingju Pass puzzle in Genshi Impact is one of the most difficult challenges the game has to offer. This task requires you to climb and glide through a mountain to reach a secret location. Aside from the usual quests and combat challenges, the Lingju Pass puzzle is also a tough one to solve. Here is how to solve it: First, you will need to activate the five Geo-pillars. After activating them, a barrier will be removed.

The Lingju Pass Geo Pillars puzzle is located in Liyue, which is the first area. This task will require you to activate five Geo pillars and collect the associated Mora. Once the pillars are active, you will be given instructions to proceed. Using the right characters is also essential to solve this quest. To use a specific character, you will need to use the Anemo or Geo abilities to unlock the chests.

To complete the puzzle, you will need to use the different elements in the right order. This is crucial, as the pieces of the puzzle may be of different types. You must activate the blocks that block the passage. You need to use your Geo ability to activate them. Once you have activated all five pillars, you can then proceed to the next level of the Geo-puzzle.