The Rivers of Blood Katana is a unique drop-in Elden Ring weapon. This powerful late-game katana makes use of bleeds to wilt enemies. This weapon is very effective if used properly. Listed below are some tips to make it easier to get this legendary weapon. Let’s get started. Read on for more information! This is a unique drop for Elden’s Elden Ring.
River of Blood Katana Location in Elden Ring?
In order to get to the Rivers of Blood Katana, you will need to head to “Giants Gravepost” in the Forbidden Lands. Now, head forward until you see skeleton statues and giants roaming around and fighting each other. Head towards the dilapidated stone church where you will face “Bloody Finger Okina” who will get you the Rivers of Blood Katana after being killed.
How to Get Rivers Of Blood Katana in Elden Ring?
The Rivers of Blood Katana is a legendary weapon that can only be obtained by defeating “Bloody Finger Okina”, an NPC invader. This katana is one of the best weapons in the game and can be obtained by killing her with the corpse piler combat skill. This legendary katana can be obtained through a questline. The Rivers of Death katana is only found near the Church of Repose and the Mountaintops of Giants.

You must be level 18 or higher to find the Rivers of Blood Katana in Elden Ring. The best way to get this item is to head into the Deathtouched Catacombs and then head towards the Church of Repose.

Once you reach the Church of Repose, you must face the giant Okina, who will invade the area with her Rivers of the Blood. Once you defeat her, you will be rewarded with the katana and mask.
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