What is Shellphone in Terraria Labor of Love


The new Terraria 1.4.4 Labor of Love update brings three new seeds, new Town Slimes, and a variety of changes to the game. Besides that, it adds several new tools and equipment such as the Shellphone, Terraformer, and Lilith’s Neckless, which will help you craft various items. If you are curious to know more about what is Shellphone in Terraria Labor of Love update then read to the post below.

What is Shellphone in Terraria Labor of Love?

The Shellphone is a new feature in the game. It allows players to teleport freely between their spawn location and assigned bed. It also has a variety of new uses. For instance, it can be used to send messages to others. The new device can also help players control their environments. It is similar to a cell phone, but much more powerful.

The Labor of Love update also adds hundreds of new items and construction objects to the game. One of the most notable additions is the Shellphone, a new tool that combines the functionality of a Cell Phone and Magic Conch. Another new tool is the Terraformer, a beefed-up version of the Clentaminator that enables players to create biomes on the fly.


The Labor of Love also includes a large number of bug fixes and quality-of-life improvements. The update is free for Terraria owners. The Labor of Love update also introduces three new seeds: the Zenith Seed, a World Seed, and a new World Seed. The Zenith Seed promises to be the magnum opus of Terraria World Seeds. Players can also start the game in hell by using the Remix Seed. A new feature of the No Traps Seed is that it removes all traps from the open world.